DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-5-355-363
UDC 004.91
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Department of Automated Control Systems;; Assistant Lecturer
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Abstract. Completing of situation-oriented database model with specialized means for interaction with database management system MySQL is considered. An improved model of situation-oriented database (SODB) is proposed; the model extends the capabilities of the use of XML-data stored in a relational database MySQL. As a result, the proposed model is provided with tools for the database connection and management of its facilities. The interaction consists in creation of databases, tables, entering sample data and updating data; the functions are realized on the platform of SODB dynamic model interpreter developed with the use of PHP technologies. The model has an XML-based representation and equivalent representation in the form of diagrams.
Keywords: web-application, situation-oriented database, dynamic model, NoSQL, XML, DOM, РНР
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