ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-6-415-422

UDC 629.78


A. A. Romanov
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Full Professor

A. S. Selivanov
JSC Russian Space Systems, Expert-Analytical Center; Head of the Center

A. E. Tyulin
JSC Russian Space Systems; General Director

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Abstract. In 2015, 10 years since the launch of the first technological nanosatellite TNS-0 N1 developed by JSC Russian Space Systems (JSC RSS) was marked. Despite the relatively simple structure and small size of TNS-0 N1 (total weight was less than 5 kg), it was successfully used as a platform for testing a number of new technologies and systems modern at that time: new principles to be applied for the purpose of rocket and space equipment development, single-point control of a satellite via space system GLOBALSTAR, new samples of Sun and horizon sensors, as well as certification of COSPAS-SARSAT beacons, etc. The paper presents JSC RSS experience in nanosatellites development, as well as concepts of a number of technologies and nanosatellite systems suitable for pilot projects implementation. Several problems of development of perspective technologies of space instrument manufacturing are discussed, the possibility of carrying out scientific research and technological works compensating the difference in levels of technological readiness of elements of the service subsystems and the target hardware is considered. It is proposed to perform an analysis of domestic technology service and on-bard radio systems for small spacecraft with the objective of achieving a qualitatively new level of implementation of design works. The necessity to restore the concept of scientific-technological research works and their inclusion in the Federal Space Program, and in other Federal target programs is declared. Results of the works on creation of various useful loadings intended for placement on the nanosatellites of CubeSat format are presented.
Keywords: space instrument manufacturing, nanosatellites, scientific and educational satellites, atmosphere radio occultation, ionosphere radio tomography, satellite automatic identification system

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