DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-6-466-470
UDC 629.7.05
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration; Undergraduate Student
E. V. Ustyugov
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration;;
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Abstract. The possibility of using groups of nanosatellites of CubeSat standard is considered. This approach provides obtaining simultaneous measurements at a number of spaced points and therefore allows a better understanding of complex non-linear processes in the ionosphere is important for fundamental and practical problems. The use of nonlinear dynamics methods (the fractal approach, the percolation theory) is proposed to describe the state of plasma in the auroral region when applied to processing of the data obtained from CubeSat nanosatellites. A plasma density sensor is developed to provide a measurement of the background values of the plasma density and its non-stationary fluctuations.
Keywords: nanosatellites, high-latitude ionosphere, nonlinear dynamics methods, ionospheric inhomogeneities, resonant probe, plasma density sensor, CubeSat
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