DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-6-435-442
UDC 629.78
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Deputy Director
V. M. Gotlib
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Leading Researcher
M. S. Dolgonosov
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Leading Researcher
A. V. Kalyuzhny
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Head of Sector
I. V. Kozlov
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Head of Laboratory
V. N. Nazarov
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Head of Department
D. I. Novikov
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Leading Designer
V. G. Rodin
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Assistant Director
S. I. Klimov
Space Research Institute of the RAS; Leading Researcher
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Abstract. A complex of works carried out at Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of fundamental space research is reviewed. Suggested solutions ensure the creation of complex scientific instruments, including an onboard acquisition system and a transmitter of information, and experimental micro-satellite platforms into orbit in the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the International space station (ISS). A ballistic scheme of increasing the height of the orbit of the transport cargo ship "Progress" after fulfilling the main task – delivery of cargo to the ISSР – is implemented. A ground infrastructure which uses the common online channels is created for information acquisition, processing, and providing further access to the data; the infrastructure allows serving other projects too.
Keywords: micro-satellite, onboard equipment, upper atmosphere, ionosphere, lightning discharges, gamma-radiation, radio, ultraviolet radiation, x-rays
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