DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-12-997-1002
UDC 004.75
GK YADRO LLC, Moscow, 125373, Russian Federation; Engineering consultant
O. O. Kulachenko
ITMO University, Department of Computation Technologies; Student
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Abstract. The existing approaches of desktop virtualization are analyzed to develop recommendations on the choice of method of virtual personal workplace presentation. To compare the types of virtual desktops, various criteria are employed such as usage of disk space storage, waiting time at the beginning of a session, the possibility of modification by a user, centralized service of the workplace, the ability to work with graphics without having to install special server graphics cards. As a result of the comparative analysis of desktop virtualization methods, a new method of construction of virtualization system for desktop virtualization is proposed.
Keywords: virtualization, desktop, thin client, golden image, data storage system
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