DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-2-110-116
UDC 519.8
St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Department of Applied Information Technologies; Professor
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Abstract. Various approaches to estimating the operation effectiveness of specialized technical systems with the account for target effect or the degree of achievement of objectives (effectiveness), resource consumption, operativeness, conditions of use and the system technical specifications, economic costs of production, etc. A method of comprehensive evaluation of robotic system effectiveness in collecting and processing of information is proposed. The method is based on the use of developed hierarchy of goals and objectives tree, and the system performance indicators based on the operational-time, operational-resource, and generalized complex models of the system functioning. The generalized complex index of efficiency depends on the ultimate goal of the system and includes the characteristics of various groups (technical, target, resource, etc.). The measure of effectiveness is the probability of achieving the goal. As an example, the effectiveness of unmanned aircraft application for the earth's surface imaging is considered.
Keywords: efficiency, targeted technical systems, robotic systems, information collecting and processing, tree of performance indicators, comprehensive index
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