DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-1-12-21
UDC 519.7
St. Petersburg State University, Department of Electro-Mechanical Systems Modeling;
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Abstract. A technique is proposed to analyze stability of continuous control systems with interval uncertainty of coefficients of stationary equations. The risk of instability is shown to increase with increasing error (range of interval boundaries) of matrix elements of the system of equations, resulting in the transition from asymptotic stability to instability. The stability analysis of the system with interval coefficients, based on formalization of point systems of the equations, is based on construction of optimal angular matrices. The obtained estimates of stability of interval system of the equations are in good agreement with the results the stability analysis of the family of characteristic polynomials performed by V. L. Haritonov.
Keywords: linear continuous equations, interval factors, stability of system, angular optimum matrices, characteristic polynomial
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