DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-2-123-128
UDC 531.01
Research and Production Enterprise "ADVENT";
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Abstract. Mathematical simulation method accounting for continuous changes in the teeth shape is used for investigation of regularities of gears wear. Parameters of all investigated pairs of gears and conditions of their joint application are given. Conditions and limitations on possible application of the obtained results are analyzed, basic relations used for calculating the linkage parameters are presented. The data of modelling are used to draw graphs of the distribution of wear during the initial period of contact and make several conclusions about the wear nature. The change in the line of engagement of the wheel and gear during the running-in of the gearing elements is demostrated. The conditions of occurrence and development of the position error are analyzed. The cause of the growth of the cyclic error and the consequence of uneven wear are determined. The graphs of redistribution of wear in the areas of double-pair gearing during wear are presented, conclusions are drawn about its nature, as well as the tooth profiles and the engagement line. The cause of stabilization of a cyclic error is determined and the schedule of its changes is given. A graph is given of the variation of the dead stroke during the meshing of the gears. Conclusions about the nature and regularities of wear of spur gears are formulated.
Keywords: gear tops, cogwheel wear, evolution model of wearing, dependences of wearing, dead run
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