DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-5-430-436
UDC 629.78
Samara University, Department of Radiophysics, Semiconductor Micro- and Nanoelectronics;
S. A. Bolychev
Samara University, Department of Radiophysics, Semiconductor Micro- and Nanoelectronics; Leading Engineer-Programmer
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Abstract. An optical-electronic telescopic lens-type complex is proposed for creating a domestic group of Earth remote sensing satellites with ability to obtain timely imagery on-demand. Thermal control system based on electric heaters is chosen to maintain the optimal thermal conditions of the lens telescope. Thermal mode calculations of objective are carried out based on 3D model with the account for the real spacecraft operational conditions and its orbital motion. Transient temperature fields of objective are calculated by finite elements method under various operating conditions of the microsatellite: achieving established thermal regime, Earth's remote sensing in normal and extended modes. It is shown that the thermal control system maintains a predetermined temperature range of the optical elements under nominal operating conditions with moderate energy consumption.
Keywords: microsatellite, Earth remote sensing, optical-electronic telescopic complex, thermal control system, temperature field, heat flow
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