DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-6-490-497
UDC 621.315.175
Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering; Professor; Head of the Department
S. S. Dementyev
Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering; Post-Graduate Student
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Abstract. During operation, the transmission line supports (OHL towers) are mechanically deformed due to wind and ice congestion, this is the cause of numerous accidents. The existing methods of monitoring preemergency regimes have not been widely adopted, and therefore development of new principles for the operation of devices for monitoring force loads seems necessary. Indirect manifestations of the existing mechanical loads are deflections of the pillars of linear supports. This phenomenon is observed on "flexible" power transmission lines with an asymmetric arrangement of phases. The method of high-precision deflection measurement allows estimating the degree of glaciation of phase wires. A variant of the technical implementation of this diagnostic method with the use of a video camera is proposed. The procedure for calculating the deflection of the apex of the support under the influence of ice and wind is described. The perspectives of diagnostics of an OHL condition using information on support deflection is discussed.
Keywords: smart grids, OHL monitoring, video measurements, icing diagnostics
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