DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-10-844-854
UDC 523.34:629.78:527.62
A. F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, Department 34 of the Military Institute;
T. V. Danilova
Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, Military Institute Department; St. Petersburg;
D. M. Kosulin
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy; Senior Lecturer
M. A. Arkhipova
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy; Senior Scientist
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Abstract. The method of virtual measurements of zenith distances of stars, constituting the basis of astronomical on-board system of autonomous navigation and orientation (ASANO) for spacecrafts (SC) included into lunar information and navigation support system (LINSS), is described briefly. The effects of errors in the stellar catalog, and errors in measurements carried out with optical-electronic devices on the accuracy of navigational calculations of SC, are analyzed. Characteristics of accuracy of various technological cycles in ASANO functioning are presented. It is noted that the system can be used as the main or backup contour of navigation and ballistic support for the LINSS space segment and other artificial satellites orbiting the Moon. A simulation model of ASANO functioning is created, the accuracy characteristics of the system are obtained by means of modeling, and the requirements for instrumental errors of measurement and accuracy of coordinates specified in the onboard catalog of stars are justified.
Keywords: moon exploration program, lunar information and navigation support system, onboard control complex, autonomous navigation, autonomous orientation, stellar sensors, optical-electronic devices
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