ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-3-278-284

UDC 54.084.544.47


A. V. Zaitsev
Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Laboratory of Composite Materials; Researcher;

O. I. Kaminsky
Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Laboratory of Functional Materials and Coatings; Junior Researcher;

K. S. Makarevich
Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Laboratory of Functional Materials and Coatings; Senior Researcher;

E. A. Kirichenko
Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Laboratory of Functional Materials and Coatings; Researcher;

S. A. Pyachin
Institute of Materials Science of Khabarovsk Scientific Center of Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, Laboratory of Functional Materials and Coatings; Deputy Director for Scientific Work;

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Abstract. Results of automated measurements of the catalytic activity of bismuth coatings in the photodegradation reaction of an aqueous solution of a model pollutant are presented. The measurements were carried out with the help of a developed installation, in which the photoreaction and measurement cells are combined. Strontium bismuth nanosized powders synthesized by the pyrolytic method using sorbitol as an organic precursor, were deposited on a ceramic carrier as one-, four-, and seven-layer coatings. The effectiveness of photocatalytic coatings was assessed by the rate of decrease in the concentration of the organic methylene blue dye after prolonged irradiation by visible and ultraviolet light. The photocatalytic activity of strontium bismuthate-based coatings are shown to depend on the multiplicity of their deposition on the ceramic carrier. The high discreteness of the kinetic measurements revealed various stages of the photocatalytic process: sorption in the dark, photo-sorption, photocatalysis at a constant speed, the stage of slowing down the photocatalytic decomposition by reducing the concentration of methylene blue.
Keywords: measuring installation, photocatalysis, photocatalytic coatings, photometry, kinetics, degree of conversion

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