DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-7-659-667
UDC 531.383-1,532.1 + 539.17
Concern CSRI Electropribor, JSC, Saint Petersburg, 197046, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 197046, Russian Federation; Design manager
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Abstract. Results of correlation and dispersion analysis applied to the study of problems arising in the small-scale production of two-stage float gyroscopes are presented. Examples of the use of regression analysis for some types of gyroscopes, including fiber-optic gyroscope, are given. A linear regression model of accuracy characteristic of two-stage float gyroscope is built. A correct regression model is derived by the method of input variables extension with the use of the FD-factor, friction current, dynamic balancing and dispersion of the gyro exit rate at the final stages of thermal cycling. A comparative analysis of the obtained regression models is carried out. A possibility to improve the accuracy of regression estimates is demonstrated; to realize the possibility, it is sufficient to use four independent variables.
Keywords: two-stage float gyroscope, inertial navigation and stabilization system, gravimeter, accuracy , reliability, regression analysis, failure, regression model
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