DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-8-749-757
UDC 681.2.083
ITMO University;
N. K. Maltseva
ITMO University, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems;
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Abstract. A control over parameters of the internal special thread of the nut part included in the design of a roller screw transmission of an electromechanical drive is a difficult metrological task and is possible only using modern coordinate measuring equipment. The main problems associated with the control of the parameters of high-precision internal thread are considered. Methods of controlling the parameters of the internal thread are analyzed, measuring equipment that meets the accuracy requirements is selected, a method for evaluating the parameters of the internal special thread of the nut part is developed. The presented technique allows a full assessment of the thread parameters (pitch, average diameter, and the profile in axial section) based on the use of a contour meter with a double-sided probe. An algorithm of the analysis of the thread contour using the measured parameters is described.
Keywords: thread control, thread pitch, mean thread diameter, contour meter, roller screw drive, electromechanical actuator
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