ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-10-921-928

UDC 658.5


S. A. Meshkov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Instrument-Making Technologies;

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Abstract. The problem of provision of basic indicators of quality of micro- and nanodevices at the design phase is considered; the indicators include characteristics of performance, reliability, and manufactura-bility. The group technologies used in manufacturing micro and nanodevices provide interrelation be-tween the parameters of a device formed in a single technological cycle, which imposes restrictions on the methods of ensuring serial suitability and reliability of micro-and nano instruments. The traditional design methodology does not allow to achieve an optimal combination of indicators of purpose, manu-facturability and reliability of the batch of devices. A new methodology is proposed for integrated design of micro - and nanodevices that within the group of production technology allows to achieve optimal combination of the above indicators in given conditions of production and reliability in the operation con-ditions under the given constraints on the parameters the device purpose. A stage of technological opti-mization is included in traditional scheme of the design process. As a result of the optimization, correc-tions for the nominal values of the device design parameters are determined, maximizing the target function. For the target function, the probability of finding the indicators of the purpose of the device with-in the limits of the imposed restrictions is taken, i.e. the probability of performing the specified functions during the operating time, or gamma-percent operating time to parametric failure. The proposed meth-odology is worked out on the examples of micro - and nanoelectronics devices, namely, a mixer and a rectifier of microwave radio signals with a resonant tunnel diode as a nonlinear element.
Keywords: micro and nanodevices, group technologies, performance indices, manufacturability, reliability

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