DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-11-982-988
UDC 53.091, 531.383
Perm Scientific and Production Instrument-Making Company, Scien-tific-Technical Center; Head of Bureau;
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Abstract. A fiber-optic gyroscope with rectangular phase modulation and closed feedback is considered. An error formula of this sensor, arising due to the known nonlinearity of the interferometer, is derived. It is shown that the gyroscope error depends on the angular acceleration. Results of simulation modeling are presented, allowing to estimate the admissibility of simplifications made in the derivation of the formula. Ex-perimental confirmation of the obtained dependence is presented for two modifications of the fiber-optic gy-roscope.
Keywords: волоконно-оптический гироскоп, нелинейность интерферо-метра, вибрация, угловые ускорения
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