DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-11-997-1004
UDC 627.317.733
Penza State University, Department of Automation and Remote Control; Associate Professor
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Abstract. Measuring circuits of differential capacitive parametric converters intended for taking information about inertial mass oscillations of accelerometers or gyroscopes are considered. Error analysis of the measuring circuit based on operational amplifier is carried out, and ways of reduction of each of the con-sidered components of the resulting error are outlined. Schematics of measuring circuits providing trans-formation of informative parameter of the differential capacitive sensor and correction of the error caused by imperfection of the operational amplifier are presented. It is noted that the scope of measurement cir-cuits without an operational amplifier is limited by a narrow range of working capacitance; structures built on an operational amplifier have a linear conversion function regardless of the deviation of the working ca-pacitance.
Keywords: measuring circuit, capacitive differential sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, error, chan-nel phase separation
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