ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-3-242-249

UDC 681.7.068

Digital Format for Preparation of Instrument Production. Part I. Design Stage

V. F. Bulavin
Vologda State University, Department of Engineering Technologies; PhD, Associate Professor

T. G. Bulavina
Vologda State University, Department of Engineering Technologies; Associate Professor

V. V. Yakhrichev
Vologda State University, Department of Engineering Technologies; Senior Lecturer

A. S. Stepanov
Vologda State University, Department of Engineering Technologies;

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Abstract. Introduction of digital platforms in the design phase of production preparation at medium- and small instrument-building enterprises is discussed. The process is implemented with the active use of CAD-based and CAE-based products. The tasks performed during design preparation are considered, including 3D design, engineering analysis of the structure, creation of electronic prototypes of product components as one of the factors of digital production. Results obtained in the design solution simulation concerning temperature deformations of measuring instrument units are presented.
Keywords: 3D model, digital image, manufacturing design, information environment



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