Low-Rigidity Rubber Shock Absorbers for Pipe Mounting
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Engineering;
E. A. Tarasenko
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Engineering;
G. V. Tsvetkova
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Engineering;
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Abstract. Rubber shock-absorbers installed in collars of pipe suspenders are considered. Rigidity characteristics of the shock-absorbers are analyzed. Influence of parameters of pipes on rigidity of the shock-absorber is considered. The main advantage of a standard shock absorber is its versatility and the ability to use it for a large range of pipes. The disadvantage of using it is the restriction on stiffness. The standard shock absorber is compared with a quasi-zero stiffness shock absorber, which allows realization of any stiffness characteristics.
Keywords: shock-absorber, vibration isolator, vibration resistance, rubber, rigidity
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