ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-5-391-404

UDC 004.052.32+681.518.5

Errors in Ternary Code Vectors, Their Classification and Detection Using Noise-Resistant Coding

D. V. Ephanov
PSTU; Department of Automation and Telemechanics on the Railways

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Abstract. Specific of errors that occur in ternary code vectors due to distortions of one or more digits and are characterized by multiplicity and type, are considered. A classification of errors in ternary code vectors is pro-posed, and comparison with errors occurring in binary code vectors is performed. Definitions of various types of errors in binary and ternary code vectors are given, and examples are presented to illustrate features of such errors. The classification of errors in ternary code vectors allows to develop data encoding principles for detecting errors of a certain type and use them in both data transmission and synthesis of devices functioning in ternary logic that have the property of detecting faults. Some methods of constructing ternary codes aimed at detecting errors in information vectors or in code words in general are described. It is stated that the results can be used for developing a basis for synthesis of reliable and safe automation devices operating in ternary logic.
Keywords: errors in code vectors, binary code vectors, ternary code vectors, code vector errors classification, codes with error detection, codes with monotonous error detection



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