DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-5-451-459
UDC 621.382.2.3
Tests of Multi-Chip IGBT-Modules for Resistance to Cyclic Power Current
Proton-Electroteks JSC, Department of Semiconductor Instruments Test-ing; Head of the Department;
S. L. Strigunov
Proton-Electroteks JSC, Department of Semiconductor Instruments Test-ing; Engineer-Designer;
A. P. Pilipenko
Proton-Electroteks JSC, Department of IGBT-Instruments Design; Engi-neer-Technologist;
K. A. Volobuev
Proton-Electroteks JSC, Department of IGBT-Instruments Design; Head of the Department;
V. A. Lobanova
I.S. Turgenev Orel State University, Department of Electronics, Radio Technique, and Communication Systems; Professor;
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Abstract. Results of experimental study of multi-chip IGBT-modules with different position of transistors on DBC are presented. A system for power cycling tests of IGBT-modules is developed. Experiments carried out to compare the multi-chip IGBT modules with different position of transistors on DBC after power tests in electro thermal cyclic mode demonstrate that the topology of multi-chip modules (the position of transistors on DBC) has an effect on the temperature distribution between the chips. The main features of the test setup include accurate monitoring of the sample status using two temperature sensitive parameters and high reliability of the test equipment. During the test with a type K thermocouple and the thermal imager, the temperature distribu-tion between the parallel connected chips of the tested samples and other conductive elements of the sam-ples, including copper wire bond connections, were calculated. The received data allowed to obtain experi-mental dependency curves for the electrical parameters of the tested modules vs the number of cycles to fail-ure. This can help to estimate the degradation degree of a sample before its failure. The temperature sensitive parameter value and, consequently, number of cycles to failure of a multi-chip module is found to depend on the hottest chip temperature. It is also found that the temperature of some wire bond connections in the multi-chip module can be comparable to the chip temperature and can cause the module constructive elements degradation due to the thermomechanical stress. These results can be used in development and design of the multi-chip IGBT-modules.
Keywords: semiconductor power modules, multi-chip IGBT-modules, reliability tests, testing equipment, power cycling, temperature distribution in multi-chip IGBT-module
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