DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-12-1057-1065
UDC 681.5.017
Joint Stock Company “Academician A.L.Mints Radiotechnical Institute”, Moscow, 127083, Russian Federation; Head of Department, Deputy General Designe
A. V. Osipov
JSC National Ecological Operator, Head of the Design and Technological Departmen;
A. Y. Perlov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation; Senior Lecturer
D. V. Ryabchenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics;
I. P. Lozynsky
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics;
V. B. Tikhonov
Dr. Sci., Associate Professor; Yaroslavl Higher Military Air Defense School;
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Abstract. The achieved level of digitalization of modern radar stations (radar) and the availability of a control and diagnostic system that records data on the technical condition of the product and its components in real time allows to move on to solving the problem of forming the structural diagram of the radar. The solution to this problem is possible using Boolean algebra. The possibility of determining the critical elements of the radar based on experimental data, the identification of which provides an increase in the accuracy of the forecast and, accordingly, the readiness coefficient, has been investigated. An algorithm for generating a reliability scheme based on data is proposed, based on the synthesis of a logical function from the unique states of a functioning system. As an example of the synthesis of a logical function from the unique states of the system in a model experiment, we selected short-term self-eliminating failures caused by overheating of the power amplification units from the transmitting sublattice are selected. The proposed methodological apparatus for the formation of the structural diagram of the reliability of the radar based on the search for unique sets of states of its elements allows, as new failures arise, to refine the reliability diagram during the operation of the product.
Keywords: reliability block diagram, radar, Boolean algebra, failure, prediction
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