DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-1-47-55
UDC 667.6
Cherepovets State University, Department of Mathematical and Computer Software;
I. A. Varfolomeev
Cherepovets State University, Department of Mathematical and Computer Software; Associate Professor
E. V. Ershov
Cherepovets State University, Department of Computer Software; Associate Professor
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Abstract. A software module is proposed for estimating the drying process of the polymer coating of a galvanized strip, characterized by a comprehensive assessment of the basic parameters of the process: temperature condition, solvent vapor concentration, color deviation in the polymer coating. To evaluate these parameters, physical models are constructed accounting for the features of the technological equipment used — a model of heat exchange processes occurring inside the drying furnace, a model of solvent evaporation from the strip surface during the drying of the polymer coating; a model for predicting the color deviation of the polymer coating using machine learning tools, including the "random forest" algorithm. The evaluation of each of the cardinal parameters is represented by a separate block, the totality of which forms the evaluation module. The software implementation of the module is performed, and experimental results are presented.
Keywords: polymer coated rolling, polymer coating drying, software module, evaluation module, integrated assessment, forecasting, machine learning, random forest, parametric identification, decision support system
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