ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-2-126-136

UDC 608.4, 520.2.02


G. G. Gorbunov
JSK "Special purpose space systems corporation "Kometa", Branch "Electro Optical Surveillance Systems"; Chief Researcher;

D. N. Eskov
JSK "Special purpose space systems corporation "Kometa", Branch "Electro Optical Surveillance Systems";

M. A. Parpin
JSK "Special purpose space systems corporation "Kometa", Branch "Electro Optical Surveillance Systems";

I. V. Rodygin
JSK "Special purpose space systems corporation "Kometa", Branch "Electro Optical Surveillance Systems";

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Abstract. New materials and technologies currently used in the development of new optoelectronic instrumentation and devices are considered. Examples of developments of adaptive optical devices and "structureless" telescopes mounted without rod systems of mutual attachment, implementation of diffraction optical elements, and application of optics based on Fresnel lenses are presented. The design of a telescope of a fundamentally new layout is described, which will be one or two orders of magnitude more compact and cheaper than traditional telescopes. The new layout is a flat panel consisting of a layer of microlenses and arrays of optoelectronic integrated circuits in the board under the lenses for controlling the system, obtaining spectral and spatial information, and image processing.
Keywords: optical materials, technologies, optoelectronic devices, Fresnel lenses, diffractive optical elements, microlenses, microwave photonics, adaptive optics

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