ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-6-477-484

UDC 681.382


T. A. Ismailov
; Rector Dagestan state technical university

O. V. Evdulov
Dr. Sci., Associate Professor; Dagestan State Technical University, Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering;

A. M. Ibragimova
Dagestan State Technical University, Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering;

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Abstract. A device for cooling elements of radio-electronic equipment operating in the mode of intermittent thermal loads is considered. The device uses melting working substances with an additional air heat sink due to fan units. An experimental stand is described, results of the device field tests are presented. Time dependences of the container shell temperature during melting and solidification of the working substance, as well as duration of complete melting (solidification) of the working agent caused by supplied (removed) heat, are presented. It is determined that the use of fan assemblies makes it possible to reduce the substance solidification time by about 1.7 times in relation to the case of natural heat exchange with the environment by means of a copper radiator. According to estimates carried out, the discrepancy between the experimental and calculated data is 8 %.
Keywords: radio electronic element, intermittent thermal release, cooling, melting substance, air cooling, prototype, experimental stand, temperature, measurements

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