ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-8-620-625

UDC 629.78


A. V. Averianov
Mozhaysky Military-Space Academy, Department of Information and Computing Systems and Networks;

V. V. Kuznetsov
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department of Information Systems and Networks ; docent

A. V. Kaliujnii
Mozhaisky Military Spaсe Academy, Department of Information Systems and Networks; Head of Laboratory ;

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Abstract. Construction of a small spacecraft cluster intended for remote sensing of the Earth is considered. Parameters of a model of the orbital construction are analyzed. The importance of accounting for the minimum distance of the straight line connecting low-orbit small spacecrafts, from the Earth's surface when creating the cluster is substantiated. The methods of half partition and golden section are used to determine the functions of collecting and transmitting information to spacecraft and the order of their location in the orbit. The expediency of using the golden section method to ensure the best parameters of the small spacecrafts orbital cluster are substantiated. The improvement of the parameters consists in a 6–8 % decrease in the number of transmitting spacecrafts in the orbit. Since the transmitting devices are directly connected with ground data receiving and processing points, their reduction reduces the dependence of the communication sessions of the orbital cluster with the transmitting spacecrafts number, and ultimately leads to an increase in the stability of the operation of the entire small spacecraft orbital group.
Keywords: small spacecraft, orbital construction parameters, spacecraft chain, line-of-sight height, half-split method, golden section method, Phidias number

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