ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-9-741-751

UDC 621.396.6, 621.8.019.8


V. V. Zhadnov
Higher School of Economics, Department of Electronic Engineering;

A. S. Lukina
HSE University, School of Computer Engineering;

I. S. Tselishchev
HSE University, School of Computer Engineering;

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Abstract. The issues of ensuring operational reliability of modular sources of secondary power supply by applying redundancy of their power channels are considered. Methods of the theory of reliability and simulation are used. An analysis of main ways of redundancy of modular secondary power supply sources (loaded, unloaded, mixed) and the features of their power channels functioning (time schedules of channel operation, change in the load of operating channels, channel failures during their switching) is presented. With the use of a specialized program implementing the Monte Carlo method, computational experiments are carried out to assess the probability of failure-free operation with various methods of redundancy. It is shown that for a modular secondary power supply source, it is impossible to pre-assign a redundancy method providing the highest probability of failure-free operation, since the same method can give both better and worse results in comparison with other methods of redundancy, depending on the power channels functioning. Based on presented analysis of obtained results, conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of various redundancy methods and recommendations for their application are given.
Keywords: secondary power supplies, reliability trouble-free, power channel, redundancy, probability of failure-free operation

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