ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-10-829-838

UDC 623.746.-519+681.5.09+681.5.015


. V. Baranov
St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes;

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Abstract. The PID controller is the main element of a quadcopter control system. The influence of each of the three components of the stabilizing PID controller of a quadcopter on its behavior in the air is analyzed experimentally. Regime of automatic tuning of the regulator parameters is considered using the example of the Autotune mode as part of the Misson Planner software, a popular flight controller with an open Ardupilot architecture. With the help of mathematical modeling and experiments, an algorithm for tuning the stabilizing PID controller was derived from the generalized data. Practical value of the developed algorithm lies not only in the precise tuning of the PID controller, but also in the possibility of its further tune-up during operation. So, in the case of a change in the type, weight or attachment points of the payload, as well as in the flight conditions, it makes sense to change the “character” of the vehicle stabilization. For example, when flying with a camera, to maintain image stability at a high magnification ratio, the regulator operation should be smoother. In the case of flight tasks performing in windy weather, it is advisable to set other parameters of the regulator, and possibly to resort to operating in a mode with controlled overshoot.
Keywords: quadcopter, UAV, profiling, fault tolerance, PID controller, stabilization, overshoot

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