DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-10-839-851
UDC 681.2.088:681.782
Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, Military Institute Department; St. Petersburg;
M. A. Arkhipova
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy; Senior Scientist
. . Мaslova
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Military Research Institute; Senior Scientist
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Abstract. A mathematical model of a multifunctional onboard star tracker with an expanded set of capabilities is presented. The capabilities of the tracker, in addition to star recognizing and calculating its geocentric orientation, include functions of generating operational estimates of random errors in measurements of the stars coordinates and magnitudes in various formats. The estimates obtained are necessary to ensure the normal operation of the device under conditions of degradation caused by prolonged operation or the influence of other factors. The formed estimates can be used to solve the problem of spacecraft navigation in onboard control complex.
Keywords: star tracker, optical-electronic device, random measurement errors, autonomous navigation and orientation system, onboard control system
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