ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-12-972-981

UDC 519.71


A. V. Spesivtsev
Mozhaisky Military Space Academy;

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Abstract. When automating the processes of monitoring a complex technical object state, the basis for the knowledge representation is computational model. The set of principles and methods for constructing the models is extremely rich, due to the diversity of the objects themselves as well as the tasks of monitoring to be completed. Such a situation give rise to uncertainty in the choice of the computational model structure, especially at initial stages of the synthesis of intelligent information technology for monitoring a complex technical object state. However, the correct choice of a strategy for solving problems of this type is facilitated by the transition from constructions of metric spaces to constructions of a more general order - topological spaces. Such an approach is implemented in the creation of an intelligent information technology for the synthesis of the model of the state of a specific object - a pyrometallurgical complex of large-power units - in combination with an apparatus for constructing fuzzy-probability models. At the same time, the use of unique methodology makes it possible to describe a complex multifactor model of technical objects using a semantic network and polynomial transformation of NON-factors, the essence of which is to formalize an expert's verbal knowledge into a mathematical model in the form of an analytical function. The first of the methodologies has the property of universality regardless of the subject type, and the second conveys the complex technical object specifics in its area through experience and expertise.
Keywords: structural and topological description, complex technological object, computational model, expert knowledge, fuzzy possibility approach


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