DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-4-280-286
UDC 921.01
St. Petersburg State Engineering Institute, Department of Abrasive Technologies; Professor
A. V. Tikalov
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation; JSC “Compressor”, Saint Petersburg, 194044, Russian Federation; Postgraduate; Head of Section
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Abstract. Algorithms for estimating the wear of a rolling friction pair with slippage of the “disk on disk” type during tests on an SMC-2 friction machine are proposed. Three variants of the disc slip mode are given when simulating sliding and rolling friction on the example of main types of damage to gears. The algorithms for calculating the linear and volumetric wear resistance of discs, in the case of sliding friction against slippage, are based on the block-on-ring method. The work is supposed to be relevant for studying wear affecting factors. The proposed and substantiated technique is ready for use in testing friction pairs of the “disk-on-disk” type.
Keywords: wear, wear resistance, disc, sample, segment, friction, chord, ring on ring
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