DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-6-398-405
UDC 629.7.054.44
JSC Ulyanovsk Instrument Manufacturing Design Bureau; Head of the Aerodynamics laboratory;
V. V. Soldatkin
A. N. Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University, Department of Devices and InformationMeasuring Systems; Associate Professor
V. M. Soldatkin
A.N. Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University-КAI, Department of Devices and Information-Measurement Systems; Professor
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Abstract. The prospects of using a single (integrated) multifunctional air pressure receiver (APR), providing the perception of all the parameters of the incoming air flow necessary to determine the altitude and speed characteristics of the aircraft movement, are substantiated. The requirements for the air pressure perception errors regulated by the aircraft Airworthiness Standards, are justified. The reasons for the technological dispersion of the aerodynamic characteristics of the channels for the perception of air pressure in manufacturing a multifunctional receiver are considered. To quantify the effect of technological dispersion on the aerodynamic characteristics of a multifunctional APR and the measurement errors of altitude and speed parameters in the wind tunnel, studies of a batch of axisymmetric APR manufactured according to the same design documentation and the same technology on the same equipment and passed the acceptance of the QC department according to geometric parameters are carried out. According to results of the study on a certified aerodynamic installation that has passed the next verification, graphs of the change in the aerodynamic coefficients of the total (dynamic) and static pressure of the APR at the air flow velocity of 150 km/h and the change in the angle of bevel of the incoming airflow in the range from 0 to 30° are determined and constructed. The obtained results create prerequisites for identifying requirements for normalization of characteristics and ensuring the interchangeability of axisymmetric multifunctional APR in aerodynamic systems for measuring the altitude and speed parameters of aircraft and other objects of aviation equipment.
Keywords: aerometric systems, multifunctional receiver, technological spread, aerodynamic characteristics
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