ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-6-406-412

UDC 621.391.64


A. O. Zenevich
Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Industry Laboratory of Information and Communication Technologies; Rector;

S. V. Zhdanovich
PhD, Associate Professor; Belarusian State Academy of Com-munications, Industry Laboratory of Information and Communication Technologies; Head of the Laboratory;

E. V. Novikov
Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Director of the Institute of Modern Communication Technologies;

T. A. Matkovskaia
Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Department of Mathematics and Physics;

T. G. Kovalenko
Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Department of Mathematics and Physics;

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Abstract. Currently, fiber-optic communication lines have become the main medium for data transmission, and fiber-optic sensors are increasingly being used to monitor the state of various objects, the sensitive element of which are sections of optical fiber with macro-bends. The possibility of combining a fiber-optic communication line and an object condition monitoring system on the basis of a single fiber is shown. It is proposed to use a wavelength of 1310 nm for transmitting information, and 1490, 1550 and 1625 nm for monitoring the state of the object. An experimental setup is proposed, which provides the possibility of simultaneous use of optical fiber for data transmission and information retrieval from the monitoring system. Parameters of the optical fiber macro bends that can be used in the sensors of the monitoring system are obtained. It is shown that macro-bends with such parameters practically do not contribute to additional attenuation of optical radiation at a wavelength of 1310 nm. The maximum number of sensors that can be used in the monitoring system with such macro-bending parameters is determined. The results of the research can be used in the creation of telecommunication systems combined with systems for monitoring the condition of objects.
Keywords: fiber-optic communication line, systems for object state monitoring, macro-bending, attenuation of optical radiation power

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