DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-8-597-611
UDC 519.718.7
HSE University, Department of Computer Engineering / Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics;
S. N. Polesskiy
HSE University, Department of Computer Engineering / Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics; Associate Professor;
P. S. Korolev
Higher School of Economics, Department of Electronic Engineering; Lecturer; Senior Lecturer
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Abstract. It is shown that not all mathematical models used to estimate the time of the technological run of telecommunication equipment take into account the design and technological features of the hardware. The statistics of failures of telecommunication equipment are given, proving the need to take into account these features. It is shown that the simultaneous influence of factors such as ambient temperature, on/off cycling, relative humidity, supply voltage or current leads to an acceleration of the technological run by thousands of times. A technique has been developed that allows to significantly reduce the time of technological run-through and confirmation of the service life of the electronic module of the first level of telecommunication equipment. The advantages of the technique are the use of a multifactorial forced mode to assess the required acceleration coefficient, as well as taking into account factors that significantly affect the state of telecommunications equipment. The advantage of the technique lies in the differential prediction of reliability indicators of telecommunication equipment and in the possibility of reducing the number of failures during its normal operation, which is proved by the results of experimental research carried out.
Keywords: reliability, technological run, failure, accelerated testing, methodology, mathematical model
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