ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-10-763-774

UDC 621.396.677.73


O. A. Skorobogatova
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Senior Researcher; Associate Professor

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Abstract. A technique for numerical estimation of the mutual influence of two contiguous horn emitters excited by powerful broadband pulses in the X-band is proposed. The technique is based on the provisions of the geometric theory of diffraction and the theory of antenna arrays, it includes a numerical solution of the problem of diffraction of a cylindrical wave on a convex dihedral impedance wedge-shaped structure when excited by a non-harmonic pulse. The radiated field is represented as a superposition of incident, reflected, refracted and diffraction fields. With this approach, the consideration of the broadband of the excited signal consists in representing the spectrum of the radiated field in the region under consideration by the product of the spectrum of the excited inharmonic signal on the spatial frequency characteristic of the impedance wedge-shaped structure. An important advantage of the proposed technique is that the accuracy of calculating the spatial frequency response is determined by the accuracy of the asymptotic solution of the wedge diffraction problem for the harmonic case and the choice of the number of sampling points. It is established that the type of spatial-frequency characteristic of a wedge-shaped structure is determined by its electrophysical and geometric parameters, the direction of excitation and observation, and it affects the characteristics and parameters of the excited pulse; at the same time, the high-frequency components of the spectrum are subjected to greater suppression compared to low-frequency ones, leading to a change in its amplitude and an increase in duration, which ultimately affects the efficiency of the transmitted power.
Keywords: feedhorn, broadband signal, scattering matrix, reflection coefficient, edge wave diffraction, impedance wedge, spatial-frequency characteristic of wedge

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