DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-12-916-919
UDC УДК 004.942
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences; Deputy Director for R&D; Professor
V. V. Zakharov
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the RAS, laboratory for Information Technologies in Systems Analysis and Modeling ;
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Abstract. In the current conditions, one of the promising areas of research in the IT-domain is the creation and widespread use of integrated decision support systems for proactive management of complex objects based on the integrated coordinated use of digital twins of these objects describing the process of implementing the stages of their life cycle. According to presented analysis, within the framework of such an approach it is possible to find optimal (reference) parameters, programs, and laws of practical management of the complex object, and it may be guaranteed that their robustness and stability can be checked and ensured using data from the digital twin. To date, a large number of digital objects and processes have been developed for various subject areas. However, the processes of creating and using the digital twins of complex objects are synthesized in most cases on a heuristic basis due to the lack of appropriate scientific foundations. It is shown how, using the system-cybernetic interpretation of the processes of managing the life cycle of the digital twin of complex object, it is possible to form a methodological foundation of the corresponding theory. The methodology and technologies for the creation and use of digital twins of complex objects with respect to distributed complexes of cyber-physical systems are described.
Keywords: cyber-physical systems, digital twins and threads, development and use of digital twins, control of parameters and structures of digital twins
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