ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-1-56-65

UDC 621.9-05: 621.9.022.2


T. V. Basova
ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics;

Y. S. Andreev
ITMO University, Department of Instrument-Making Technology ; Associate professor

M. V. Basova
D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University VOENMEH, Department of Small-Gun, Artillery and Rocket Weapons;

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Abstract. A new method of operational control of a rotary cutting tool with the use of non-contact tools setters is proposed, and main difficulties of rotary cutting tools control in a manufacturing plant are considered. The developed technique makes it possible to increase the level of automation of technological preparation of production through the use of recommended database of the tool technical parameters and improvement of the algorithm for processing the measurement results obtained by non-contact tool setting sensors. Control performed in accordance with the new method increases the efficiency of the production of sections where CNC machines are located and ensures the specified quality of parts manufacturing. The advantages of the technique are the cost-effectiveness of the solution due to the use of only standard sensors of CNC machines, as well as the exclusion of manual processing of measurement results. The relevance of the work is due to the prevalence of the use of rotary milling tools in the technology of modern instrument-making and machine-building enterprises.
Keywords: cutting tool wear, methodology, measurement cycles, operational control, rotary cutting tool, CNC machines, tool adjustment sensor, algorithms


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