DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-1-66-73
UDC 681.2.084
ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics ;
R. M. Isaev
JSC „Tehpribor“, ITMO University, Department of Instrumentation Technology; Engineer; Post-Graduate Student
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Abstract. Technological features of manufacturing piezoelectric vibration sensors, most often used to measure mechanical vibrations, are considered. Design of a piezoelectric vibration sensor is presented and its key characteristics are determined, the requirements for surface roughness and tolerance of flatness and parallelism are described. An analysis of studies on the technological issues of manufacturing piezoelectric vibration sensors is carried out. The necessity of development of a technique for determining rational technological modes of finishing operation is demonstrated.
Keywords: piezoelectric, piezoelectric element, roughness, vibration, piezoelectric vibration sensor, vibration transducer, flatness tolerance, parallelism tolerance, relative coefficient of transverse transformation, grinding, fine-tuning
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