ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-1-74-80

UDC 620.178.151.2


O. A. Kolganov
ITMO University;

A. V. Ilyinsky
ITMO University; Assistant

R. A. Egorov
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; postgraduate

A. E. Khoshev
ITMO University;

A. V. Fedorov
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Russian Research Institute of Fats, Saint Petersburg, 191119, Russian Federation ; Associate Professor

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Abstract. The possibility of using the magnetic induction method with the differential inclusion of two inductors for recording the motion parameters of the impactor during dynamic indentation is considered. Based on analysis of the literature on non-destructive testing of the mechanical characteristics of materials, the use of the dynamic indentation method as a promising direction in this area is substantiated. A prototype of the primary transducer of the dynamic indentation sensor is developed, the distinctive feature of the prototype is the use of two differentially connected inductors in it. To demonstrate the primary converter operability, a computer 3D model is developed for registering the impactor movement during the flight in the Comsol Myltiphysics finite-element analysis program, with the help of which the effect of variation of geometric parameters of differentially connected inductors on the change in EMF with time is analyzed. Results of experimental testing of the dynamic indentation sensor prototype are presented. The proposed scheme for implementing the magnetic induction method makes it possible to significantly reduce the dependence of the obtained EMF signal on the relative position of the magnet and inductors, which, in turn, ensures the possibility to increase the accuracy of recording the indenter motion parameters.
Keywords: dynamic indentation, contact-impact interaction, registration system, motion parameters, magnetoinduction method, coil, magnet

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