DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-2-131-138
UDC 620.1.08; 614.841.1
Siberian Fire Rescue Academy of Russian SFS EMERCOM; Department of Engineering and Technical Expertise and Forensic Science ; Lecturer
M. V. Elfimova
Siberian Fire Rescue Academy of Russian SFS EMERCOM; Department of Engineering and Technical Expertise and Forensic Science ;
Y. N. Bezborodov
Siberian Fire Rescue Academy of Russian SFS EMERCOM; Scientific and Technical Center; Senior Researcher
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Abstract. Results of study of wood samples (variety – pine) under thermal exposure in a muffle furnace are presented. The research is carried out by measuring color characteristics using a color decomposition model into RGB components. Under thermal exposure, changes occur in wood due to chemical and physical processes. Time and temperature are indicators of the degree of thermal damage. Dependences of changes in wood samples color characteristics in the RGB system on temperature and exposure time are established experimentally. A criterion for controlling the thermal damage degree is proposed, and a device is developed to implement the method. The device is based on the TCS3472 color sensor and a programmable logic controller. The data obtained can be used in investigations of fires at objects made of wooden structures, in the study of fire propagation paths, as well as in monitoring the degree of thermal damage to wood during various technological processes.
Keywords: RGB, color characteristics, degree of thermal damage, wood
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