DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-4-276-284
UDC 681.511.4; УДК 629.7.05
Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, Department of Automatics and Electronics, St. Petersburg;
A. I. Klychnikov
1st State Test Spaceport, Mirny; Senior Engineer-Tester; A. F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy; Applicant
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Abstract. A compensation-type pendulum accelerometer is considered as an electromechanical measuring device, and factors affecting its accuracy characteristics are analyzed. It is shown that the errors of the inverse converter compensating the input action are not reduced by the elements of the feedback circuit. A mathematical model of the error of the compensation accelerometer in the static mode of operation is developed. The influence of the design and electronic-converter elements of the accelerometer on the overall measurement error is estimated. It is shown that one of the main sources of error in converting the measured acceleration into an electrical signal is a device summing the measured value and the value of the compensating effect. The error of comparing these two signals by the summing device determines the error of measuring the input acceleration by the accelerometer.
Keywords: accelerometer, comparison error, compensation measurement method, accuracy parameters of radio elements, accuracy parameters of the accelerometer, reference voltage source
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