ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-5-409-422

UDC 621.313.8, 681.51


Y. I. Shanin
LUCH Research and Production Association, Research and Development Institute;

I. S. Sharapov
RDI SPA “LUCH”; Deputy Head of Department

Reference for citation: Shanin Yu. I., Sharapov I. S. Reliability of dual-axis scanning heads used in additive manufacturing. Journal of Instru-ment Engineering. 2023. Vol. 66, N 5. P. 409—422 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-5-409-422.

Abstract. A dual-axis scanning system ("scanner") intended for use in additive production and selective laser melting of metal powders is presented. The scanner consists of three independent nodes - a collimator, a scanning head and an F-theta lens, connected to each other. The purpose of the work was a brief review and calculation and experimental justification of the main technical solutions taken in terms of ensuring the reliability of the scanner at the stage of design development and issuance of working design documentation. In accordance with GOSTs for reliability, analysis of the circuit design and reliability requirements is carried out, causes of possible failures of the scanner during operation and possible limit states in its operation are considered, calculations are presented to substantiate the health of the scanner both during operation and in storage and transportation conditions. Thermal calculations of the collimator, scanning head, and F-theta lens are carried out. The influence of low (during storage) and high (during operation) temperatures on optical components of the design is also considered. Strength calculations, including those based on the finite element method using the ANSYS software, are performed for scanning mirrors installed in the scanning head and subjected to high angular accelerations. Results of the study testify the reliability of the elements and the scanner as a whole. A method for calculating the reliability of the scanner is proposed. Measures recommended for making changes to the design in order to increase its reliability are outlined. The developed recommendations are implemented in the process of a prototype scanner manufacturing.
Keywords: scanning head, scanner, scanning mirror, galvo, rotation angle sensor, reliability, reliability indicators

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