DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-1-33-45
UDC 629.783
Samara University, Inter-University Department of the Space Researches; Research Laboratory 102; Engineer-Programmer
P. N. Nikolaev
Samara National Research University. Laboratory "Promising fundamental and applied space research based on nanosatellites"; senior researcher
S. V. Shafran
Samara National Research University; junior researcher
A. S. Espinoza Valles
Samara University, Inter-University Department of Space Research; Software Engineer
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Reference for citation: Meshcheryakov V. D., Nikolaev P. N., Shafran S. V., Espinoza Valles А. S. Architecture of a fault-tolerant distributed control system for the SamSat-ION nanosatellite. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 1.
P. 33—45 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-1-33-45.
Abstract. The key features of the architecture of a fault-tolerant distributed control system for the SamSat-ION nanosatellite are presented. One of the features of the architecture is the use of a “master/slave” approach, for which each on-board system has equivalent controllers connected to a common data bus, and each controller can act as a master on the bus and access other systems directly. Equipping the on-board computer with a dual-core controller with an asymmetric core structure allows to increase productivity - collect and store telemetry on the slave core, and execute the flight cyclogram on the master core. Information exchange between SamSat-ION nanosatellite systems is carried out using a synchronous I2C data transmission bus; all on-board systems can be controlled both from the on-board computer and from the receiver using commands from the nanosatellite flight control center, which increases the fault tolerance of SamSat-ION.
Abstract. The key features of the architecture of a fault-tolerant distributed control system for the SamSat-ION nanosatellite are presented. One of the features of the architecture is the use of a “master/slave” approach, for which each on-board system has equivalent controllers connected to a common data bus, and each controller can act as a master on the bus and access other systems directly. Equipping the on-board computer with a dual-core controller with an asymmetric core structure allows to increase productivity - collect and store telemetry on the slave core, and execute the flight cyclogram on the master core. Information exchange between SamSat-ION nanosatellite systems is carried out using a synchronous I2C data transmission bus; all on-board systems can be controlled both from the on-board computer and from the receiver using commands from the nanosatellite flight control center, which increases the fault tolerance of SamSat-ION.
Keywords: nanosatellite, fault tolerance, software architecture, multicore controllers, multicontroller systems
Acknowledgement: the research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 23-72-30002;
Acknowledgement: the research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 23-72-30002;
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