ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-1-80-95

UDC 621.383


A. A. Garkushin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company; Assistant; Deputy Director of the Scientific and Educational Center

V. V. Krishtop
Perm Research and Production Instrument Making Company, Research Institute of Radio Photonics and Optoelectronics; Chief Researcher; professor

I. L. Volkhin
Perm State University, Physical Faculty;

R. P. Rasulev
St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University „LETI“, Faculty of Information, Measuring, and Biotechnical Systems; Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company ; Engineer-Researcher

E. V. Nifontova
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company; Engineer-Researcher

I. V. Kadochikov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company; Engineer-Researcher

V. A. Maksimenko
Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company, Research Institute of Radio hotonics and Optoelectronics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Department of General Physics ; Associate Professor

A. V. Perminov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Department of General Physics ; Head of the Department

D. I. Shevtsov
Perm State University, Physical Faculty; Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company ; Deputy Director of the Scientific and Technical Center

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Reference for citation: Garkushin A. A., Krishtop V. V., Volkhin I. L., Rasulev R. P., Nifontova E. V., Kadochikov I. V., Maksimenko V. A., Perminov A. V., Shevtsov D. I. Prototype of monitoring system with power supply via optical fiber. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 1. P. 80—95 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-1-80-95.

Abstract. The capabilities of ready-made units of power supply via optical fiber (PoF platforms) of low power up to a few watts for the development of systems for collecting information coming from a carbon monoxide sensor are investigated. The operability of the system is demonstrated, its shortcomings are noted: low efficiency, complexity of modernization, lack of a system for adjusting the power of a laser diode with computer control through a microcontroller. A power supply system via medium-power optical fiber (tens of watts) is developed, on the basis of which a prototype system for monitoring remote sensors of physical quantities is created. The prototype is tested in various operating modes. Recommendations are given for the use of the number of power supply channels depending on the peak electrical power consumed by individual sensors and the system as a whole. Recommendations have been developed for optimizing operating modes in order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the system by reducing the operating temperature of the laser diode and photoelectric converters.
Keywords: energy supply, sensors, fiber optic, photoelectric converter, power-over-fiber (PoF)

Acknowledgement: the research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project No. FSNM-2023-0005).

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