DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-2-122-132
UDC 519.4
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation RAS, Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling Leading Researcher; Professor
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Reference for citation: Zelentsov V. А. Method for creating an integral assessment of the quality of difficult-to-formalize object. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 2. P. 122—132 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-2-122-132.
Abstract. A method for creating an integral assessment of the quality of difficult-to-formalize object is developed using the example of analysis of forest ecosystem sustainability. The proposed method is based on the procedures of multicriteria analysis and qualimetry of models and multi-model complexes. A two-level classification of sustainability indicators is used, including a set of specific and general indicators. An integral assessment of sustainability is created on the basis of the values of generalized indicators. The most general case is analyzed when the indicators under consideration have a complex structure, are measured in various scales (quantitative and qualitative) and can be related non-linearly to each other. The method description is carried out using the example of deriving an integral assessment of sustainability on the basis of three generalized indicators characterizing the productive capacity, sanitary condition, and biodiversity of forests. Each of the generalized indicators represents a linguistic variable. The essence of the method is the application of production models of preference of the decision maker and processing of expert survey data by the methods of the theory of fuzzy measures. Using the method allows to describe and take into account the nonlinear influence of a set of generalized indicators on the resulting assessment of stability and thereby obtain the most reliable results. Based on the proposed method, it is possible to obtain estimates of the forest integral sustainability, to conduct a comparative analysis of forest vegetation sites with different values of generalized indicators, as well as for the same site at different points in time.
Abstract. A method for creating an integral assessment of the quality of difficult-to-formalize object is developed using the example of analysis of forest ecosystem sustainability. The proposed method is based on the procedures of multicriteria analysis and qualimetry of models and multi-model complexes. A two-level classification of sustainability indicators is used, including a set of specific and general indicators. An integral assessment of sustainability is created on the basis of the values of generalized indicators. The most general case is analyzed when the indicators under consideration have a complex structure, are measured in various scales (quantitative and qualitative) and can be related non-linearly to each other. The method description is carried out using the example of deriving an integral assessment of sustainability on the basis of three generalized indicators characterizing the productive capacity, sanitary condition, and biodiversity of forests. Each of the generalized indicators represents a linguistic variable. The essence of the method is the application of production models of preference of the decision maker and processing of expert survey data by the methods of the theory of fuzzy measures. Using the method allows to describe and take into account the nonlinear influence of a set of generalized indicators on the resulting assessment of stability and thereby obtain the most reliable results. Based on the proposed method, it is possible to obtain estimates of the forest integral sustainability, to conduct a comparative analysis of forest vegetation sites with different values of generalized indicators, as well as for the same site at different points in time.
Keywords: difficult-to-formalize object, multicriteria analysis, integral assessment, sustainability, forest ecosystem, linguistic scales, production models, expert survey
Acknowledgement: Research in the section “Solution method” was carried out within the framework of the budget topic FFZF-2022-0004; Research in the section “Multi-criteria analysis of the sustainability of a forest ecosystem” was carried out with a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-19-00767,
Acknowledgement: Research in the section “Solution method” was carried out within the framework of the budget topic FFZF-2022-0004; Research in the section “Multi-criteria analysis of the sustainability of a forest ecosystem” was carried out with a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-19-00767,
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