DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-4-368-374
UDC 007.2
St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Department of Applied Informatics;
M. T. Tatarnikova
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation; Professor
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Reference for citation: Postrybaylo M. V., Tatarnikova T. M. Model estimates of parameters of passive radio systems for monitoring lightning activity. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 4. P. 368—374 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-4-368-374.
Abstract. The problem of designing a system for monitoring lightning activity is considered. The designed system is based on sensors that evaluate lightning discharge parameters by receiving electromagnetic radiation generated when an electric charge moves along the lightning channel. It is shown that mathematical modeling can be used to ensure the basic characteristics of the designed systems for monitoring lightning activity, such as the probability of detection, the accuracy of determining the coordinates and current of a lightning discharge for a selected working area. A model is proposed that makes it possible to design a system configuration capable of providing specified characteristics by obtaining model estimates and their subsequent analysis. The created model of a lightning activity monitoring system is used to estimate the probability of detecting a lightning discharge by an experimental network deployed in St. Petersburg.
Abstract. The problem of designing a system for monitoring lightning activity is considered. The designed system is based on sensors that evaluate lightning discharge parameters by receiving electromagnetic radiation generated when an electric charge moves along the lightning channel. It is shown that mathematical modeling can be used to ensure the basic characteristics of the designed systems for monitoring lightning activity, such as the probability of detection, the accuracy of determining the coordinates and current of a lightning discharge for a selected working area. A model is proposed that makes it possible to design a system configuration capable of providing specified characteristics by obtaining model estimates and their subsequent analysis. The created model of a lightning activity monitoring system is used to estimate the probability of detecting a lightning discharge by an experimental network deployed in St. Petersburg.
Keywords: thunderstorm activity, lightning discharge, monitoring system, sensor sensitivity, electric field strength, distance to lightning discharge, detection probability
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