DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-5-417-424
UDC 628.981
Mordovia State University, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, Department Lighting Engineering ; Senior Lecturer
O. Y. Kovalenko
Mordovia State University, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification ; Professor
O. E. Zheleznikova
Mordovia State University, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, Department of Lighting Engineering; ; Director of the Institute
O. A. Koltaeva
Mordovia State University, Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering, Department Lighting Engineering ;
J. A. Zhuravleva
MIREA — Russian Technological University, Institute of Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming, Department of Electronics; National Research University „Moscow Power Engineering Institute‟, V. A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Department of Lighting Engineering ;
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Reference for citation: Nesterkina N. P., Kovalenko O. Yu., Zheleznikova O. E., Koltaeva O. A., Zhuravleva Yu. A. Study of spectral characteristics of LED retrofit lamps during the service life. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 5. P. 417–424 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-5-417-424
Abstract. Presented results of studies of the spectral characteristics of retrofit lamps of the A60 type form factor include correlated color temperature and spectral distribution of radiation flux density during the burning time of the lamps. Changes in the spectral characteristics of the studied LED retrofit lamps are analyzed over a period of 6000 hours and the proportion of the blue component of the lamps under study is determined. Measurements of lamp parameters are carried out using a photocolorimetric measuring setup at a network voltage of 220 V. When calculating the chromaticity coordinates and color rendition of the lamps under study, the spectroradiometric method is used. Research results show the feasibility of replacing traditional lamps by LED light sources with parameters favorable to humans.
Abstract. Presented results of studies of the spectral characteristics of retrofit lamps of the A60 type form factor include correlated color temperature and spectral distribution of radiation flux density during the burning time of the lamps. Changes in the spectral characteristics of the studied LED retrofit lamps are analyzed over a period of 6000 hours and the proportion of the blue component of the lamps under study is determined. Measurements of lamp parameters are carried out using a photocolorimetric measuring setup at a network voltage of 220 V. When calculating the chromaticity coordinates and color rendition of the lamps under study, the spectroradiometric method is used. Research results show the feasibility of replacing traditional lamps by LED light sources with parameters favorable to humans.
Keywords: LED lamp, emission spectrum, service life, form factor, color temperature
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