DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-6-533-541
UDC 681.121.8
Ufa University of Science and Technology;
S. S. Safinov
Ufa University of Science and Technology, Department of Technical Cybernetics; Associate Professor
V. K. Yasoveev
Ufa University of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering; E-mail: ; Professor
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Reference for citation: Sadykov R. R., Safinov S. S., Yasoveev V. K. Development of a Ball Flow Meter for Electrically Conductive Liquid. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 6. P. 533–541 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-6-533-541
Abstract. This article discusses a new version of a ball flow meter for an electrically conductive liquid with four electrodes and a balanced circuit, thereby achieving the initial balance of the converter circuit. The results of development work on the creation of ball flowmeters of electrically conductive liquid for automation of production processes and the social sphere of the economy are presented; the use of such flowmeters in the food and pharmaceutical industries, heat meters and thermal power engineering is especially promising. The developed ball flowmeters of electrically conductive liquid have a common design feature. They use a ball with zero buoyancy in the measured liquid and a helical jet guide apparatus with a coaxially located annular channel. The configuration of the jet guide apparatus is designed in such a way as to minimize energy losses of the moving fluid and prevent breakdowns and turbulence of the fluid at the entrance to the annular channel. The electronic circuit of the primary flow transducer generates an output signal in the form of a rectangular pulse repetition rate proportional to the liquid flow rate.
Abstract. This article discusses a new version of a ball flow meter for an electrically conductive liquid with four electrodes and a balanced circuit, thereby achieving the initial balance of the converter circuit. The results of development work on the creation of ball flowmeters of electrically conductive liquid for automation of production processes and the social sphere of the economy are presented; the use of such flowmeters in the food and pharmaceutical industries, heat meters and thermal power engineering is especially promising. The developed ball flowmeters of electrically conductive liquid have a common design feature. They use a ball with zero buoyancy in the measured liquid and a helical jet guide apparatus with a coaxially located annular channel. The configuration of the jet guide apparatus is designed in such a way as to minimize energy losses of the moving fluid and prevent breakdowns and turbulence of the fluid at the entrance to the annular channel. The electronic circuit of the primary flow transducer generates an output signal in the form of a rectangular pulse repetition rate proportional to the liquid flow rate.
Keywords: flow meter, primary flow converter, ball flow meter, jet guide vane, operational amplifier, comparator, balanced circuit, bridge circuit
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