ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-10-887-892

UDC 681.142.37


A. N. Shilin
Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering; Professor; Head of the Department

A. A. Shilin
Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering; Head of the Department

R. G. Atamaniuk
Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering;

Reference for citation: Shilin A. N., Shilin A. A., Atamanyuk R. G. Centerless control scheme for large-sized shell profiles during their formation. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 10. P. 887–892 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/00213454-2024-67-10-887-892.

Abstract. An optical system for monitoring the deviations of the surface of large-sized shells from the cylindrical shape during their shaping on roll sheet bending machines is analyzed. The required shape of the part is ensured by the correct selection of the technological process on such a machine. The accuracy of the shell dimensions is achieved with the appropriate accuracy of marking and cutting the workpiece. An optical-electronic measuring device is developed that records the position of the tangent beam to the cross-section of the shell, designed to control the shell dimensions during its manufacture. This device has a relatively simple optical measurement scheme. The main problem of monitoring the cross-sectional shape of the shell using this device is the inconstancy of the position of the center of the section when the shell rotates in the machine rolls. In order to overcome this problem, a mathematical model of the measurement process for such a device is created, and an error analysis is performed.
Keywords: control of large-sized parts, optical measurement schemes, optical and optoelectronic devices, centerless methods of control of cylindrical parts

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