DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2015-58-11-882-889
UDC 681.782.49
JSC Television Scientific Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation ; Senior scientific researcher
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Abstract. Optimization of optical-electronic system for the range of 0.42 – 1.1 m with the use of imitation modeling of the system units is considered. The proposed approach allows for substitution of complicated and expensive field tests for investigation of a remote sounding system, with a combined application of nature and mathematical modeling on the base of modern information technologies at the stage of the system design as well as at the stage of field exploitation. The approach is aimed at improvement of the design methods and means, and at improvement of control over such parameters of perspective space systems equipment as spectral range of operation, physical aperture, linear resolution of the terrain, and the system performance. Solution to the problem opens a way to simulation of the survey process and therefore improvement of functional and parametric characteristics of the system in the process of design and coordination of technical data both at the stage of drawing up technical specifications, and in the process of full-scale field tests.
Keywords: optical-electronic system, remote sensing of the Earth surface, the system of reception and transformation of information, lens, linear ground resolution
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